Kate's framework to move through loss and change
C - Consider:
Recognize the experience that is causing you to grieve and acknowledge its significance in your life.
I - Initiate:
Engage with your feelings in a way that feels safe and natural to you. Journal. Dance. Walk in Nature. Listen to Music. You don’t need to have all the words or explain yourself to others.
R - Reflect and Remember:
Reflect on the positive memories, balancing the heavy emotions with the good moments. Remember, you grieve because you care deeply—that’s the gift.
C - Commune:
Find a supportive community or group of friends where you can share your grief. Contrary to what society has told us, we are meant to grieve together.
L - Let Go:
Release expectations and timelines and begin giving yourself permission to rediscover life’s joy. Embrace these moments intentionally, and soon, new outlooks and possibilities will unfold.
E - Embrace and Evolve:
When we embrace our grief with support and understanding and offer that to others, our shared journey transforms grief into a powerful path for growth.
When we, as individuals and as a society, embrace grief as an opportunity for discovery, connection, and growth, we create the foundation for a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous world for everyone.